Thursday, March 1, 2012

Return of the Unitard

The Unitard is back...and as you can see from the photo, he's thoroughly enjoying his first week's readings for uni. Hahahahaha. Personally, I don't think he's got any right to be so grumpy. I mean, really, who ever does the readings? Especially in the first week, and especially if they're not directly related to an impending assignment. For shame!

In other news, I had a pretty fantastic experience at work today. I was demonstrating a painting technique to one of my Grade 1 classes and the kids were so impressed with the result that they burst into spontaneous applause. It was awesome :) Thursday afternoons are kind of a bugbear for me at the moment, so it felt really good to receive some positive reinforcement.

- Amanda


  1. The trick to uni for me was always to spend the first week identifying which readings I had to do because they were related to a tute paper or essay, and spending the rest of semester topping and tailing the others in case I had to sound like I knew what I was talking about.

    I even had a subject where the entire class would collude to "discuss" the readings in the tute by relating it to topics or subjects that we knew someone else in the class had studied elsewhere. Our tutor thought we were prodigies.

    1. Haha, that's hilarious. I'm really looking forward to studying on campus next semester as I'll be able to actually go to a tute. I've never been to a tute. Tute.

      Actually, the photo is out of context. I'm more than happy to do the readings, I'm finding it all very interesting. Amanda just said something mean then snapped a photo. I was framed I say!
