Friday, April 29, 2011

The horror

Well, Daniel and I have had a very trying couple of days. As we may have mentioned previously, the town of Máriapócs is basically broke. For the last couple of months this has had very little impact on our lives apart from the fact that our pay is usually late. No big deal.

Unfortunately, this week things went up a notch. On Tuesday morning we discovered that our modem was blinking at us strangely. After turning it off and on multiple times (the extent of our IT know-how) and not getting any response, we figured that the problem must be more serious. On Wednesday we asked the school what the issue was and were advised that our internet service had been disconnected as the council had not paid the bill!

Yes, the town is so broke that they cannot afford to pay for something as basic as the internet. Not only do Daniel and I not have internet, but the actual council offices also do not have internet. It is crazy, and a perfect reminder that we are living overseas.

Anyway, Daniel and I have spent the last few days playing a lot of solitaire and occasionally switching the modem off and on again (hope is eternal). Fingers crossed that the internet will return next week.

On a completely unrelated note, here are some pictures I took this afternoon of our Grade 3s with the kites they made in today's drawing class - the group shot was taken immediately before they started to fly them, the others were taken about 15 minutes later. Good times. 

- Amanda

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