Sunday, August 14, 2011

Through Austria and into Germany

We didn't have any internet on the second and third day of our trip, so we are posting them all at once.  This entry occurred today!

Still recovering from the awesomeness that was yesterday, we woke up a bit late this morning before we prepared for the long drive to Munich.   We gave Iago a quick wash and had a relaxing breakfast down at the hotel lounge.  On the way back, we saw Iago's doppelganger.  We see a lot of black labs, but this dog was basically the same!  So we had to take a few photos and without any more preamble we packed the car and left.

Today was a long day of driving for me. With Amanda's ankle injury it was thought best that she do no driving so as to give it the best chances of recovery.  Unfortunately, this left me with a seven and a half hour drive including the famous Glossglockner High Alpine Road which is a windy road up the tallest mountain in the Austrian alps.  Considering the drive, but also considering how much we wanted to see this road, we had to flip a coin in order to decide.  (Un)fortunately, the coin dictated that we avoid the alpine road and turn the trip into a five hour drive.

After a quick accidental detour into Italy, we turned back around and made our way to the Karawanken Tunnel, an awesome ~8km tunnel from Slovenia to Austria.   It was really awesome, in fact the highways in Austria were generally fantastic.  They are all well paved, generally have a good camber and led us through the fantastic scenery that is the alps.  The Austrians seem to love straight lines and basically built bridges and tunnels that cut their way straight through stone and straight across valleys.  It was impressive to the extreme for those of us who are used to Hungarian and Romanian "roads".

I'm really tired after the drive and all this furious blogging so I'll leave a few photos here and call it a night.  I've loved what we've done so far and can't wait for what comes next!

- Daniel.

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