Saturday, September 11, 2010

A church reopening

Twenty thousand people converged on Máriapőcs today to celebrate the finished renovation of the Greek Catholic church. It was pretty impressive, all the streets were blocked off, and they had an outdoor service. Amanda and I were prompt, and I wondered at the people around me who were setting up camp. They had big coats on, were gathered around in family groups with chairs etc. It turns out that they knew what they were in for. The mass was two and a half hours long. Amanda and I lasted twenty minutes before we went to the school to assist with lunch for the 200 odd priests that attended today's mass.

For the experience in it's entirety, please watch this video 3000 times.


  1. Hi guys, it looks like you guys have really settled into village life and by all the blogs appears you are really enjoying your time there.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. We keep on finding out more and more new things about the town. i.e. last night at the celebration, we found out that the church makes it's own spices Palinka (like a 50%v/v EtOH fermented fruit juice). It's really quite nice so now we've got an excuse to go to church more often!
