Monday, June 4, 2012

Teacher's Day

Last Friday the kids at school were supposed to have a learning-free day in celebration of Gyereknap (Children's Day). Like last year, we were all going to trundle off to Pope Square, play some games and let things get a little crazy. But unfortunately, it wasn't to be. The weather forecast signalled rain and so the festivities were postponed :(

Naturally, Daniel and I were a little miffed by this turn of events. Suddenly we had a bunch of emergency lessons to plan, as well as dozens of disappointed kids to contend with. Fun, fun!! 

Anyway, all of this is backstory to explain why I was not particularly surprised when the kids started giving all the teachers flowers on Friday morning. I just kind of assumed that our students were somehow attuned to the tough day we teachers were about to have and wanted to let us know they cared (wow, that seems even dumber now that I've typed it out than it did in my head!!)

Obviously, there was a more sensible explanation for the flowers. It turns out that the first Sunday in June is always Teacher's Day in Hungary. So the kids gave us a whole bunch of little presents - mostly flowers and chocolates - on Friday in recognition of our stellar teaching efforts, and then we got even more loot when we turned up to work today. The parents of the kids in 1B even prepared a special ceremony which involved the kids reading a poem aloud and then very formally presenting us with our gifts. As you can see from the photo of Daniel and I with the rest of the 1B teachers, I got a little bit teary during the ceremony. I can only imagine how much crying I'm going to do in two weeks' time when we say our final goodbyes. It makes me sad just thinking about it.

In happier news, today was also special because next year's Grade 1s came to visit the school and get acquainted with their teachers. I remembered some of the kids from when I taught in the nursery last year and it was great to see that they all seemed confident and excited about learning English. This afternoon, Ili and I gave two short English lessons to the new kids - mostly songs and games - and we even roped the principal, Sanyi, into playing as well. Overall, I think the lessons were a big success. I haven't taught much with Ili this year but she just never ceases to amaze me when we do work together and today was no exception. Perhaps I should have bought her some flowers today to show my appreciation, as she has certainly been as much of a teacher to Daniel and I as she has been to the kids.

Oh great, now I'm all teary again!

- Amanda


  1. I also appreciate your work and I will miss you both.Ili
