Monday, December 5, 2011

Master of the Universe

Well, uni results were officially released today and I am pleased and proud to announce that Daniel and I both successfully passed all of our subjects. It was such a huge relief. This semester was really tough for both of us and I personally had a lot of trouble keeping myself motivated. This was especially true in early November when I seemed to be doing very little apart from sleeping, eating, teaching and writing long essays. After a while I lost all ability to judge the quality of my work and I had just about convinced myself that I was going to fail. Fortunately, I worried about nothing.

While Daniel still has another year of study to go in his Bachelor of Letters, my own course is now complete and I'm planning to graduate when I return to Australia. Seeing as I never attended a graduation ceremony when I finished my undergradutate degrees, I'm quite excited about the idea of donning a robe and silly hat to collect my Masters.

At this stage I have no plans to undertake any further university-level study...although Daniel seems pretty convinced that I will. I guess time will tell.

- Amanda


  1. nice work, you guys!! idk how you did it while teaching, but you're rockstars! :)

  2. Congratulations. I am so pleased for you both. Very proud of you Amanda. ( What did you do your masters' in?)
