Sunday, February 27, 2011

Máriapócs Primary School Fundraiser

Actually, the school where we work isn't really called Máriapócs Primary, its full name is Magyar-Angol két tanítási nyelvű általános és alapfokú művészeti iskola which translates to something like Hungarian-English Bilingual middle and elementary art school - which as you can imagine is a troublesome place of employment to fit into a standard resume layout.

Anyway, that's besides the point, on the first day in Hungary, as we were being driven from the Budapest airport to Máriapócs over six months ago, our colleague Ili mentioned that we had to start preparing for a ball that they held every year. But, you know, the ball was in February so we weren't too stressed. So anyway, the ball was last night.

It was awesome fun, the night began with the kids doing their preprepared songs, dances and plays then they all went home and the staff and parents drank until they were stupid and sung karaoke. I especially excelled at both these activities. The night raged on and was continuing to rage when we left at 3am.

A big thanks to Christie for coming along to our school ball and taking some video for us!

- Daniel.

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